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For privately insured persons:


As a private patient, you conclude a treatment contract with our practice. As there are very different contracts for private health insurance, it is at your own discretion to clarify in advance to what extent our services are covered by your insurance.

You are welcome to enquire about our prices by telephone or e-mail before the start of treatment.



For those with statutory health insurance:


Validity of a prescription


A medical prescription for physiotherapy must be started within 28 days unless otherwise stated.



Correct prescriptions


The guidelines for a prescription are unfortunately very complex and insanely strict. We have to check every prescription carefully. If your prescription does not meet the legal requirements, we have to insist that you have the doctor correct it.

Otherwise, the health insurance funds would not pay for the services we provide.



Prescription co-payment


A one-time prescription fee is charged for each prescription. We will inform you of the respective amount, which depends on the type and number of the prescribed remedy.

We have to demand this amount from you on behalf of the health insurance funds.

Cancel an appointment


With us, you make a binding booking for an appointment.

Appointments that cannot be kept by you must be cancelled 24 hours in advance. Appointments cancelled at short notice will be charged with 25,- €, unless we can prove the downtime otherwise.

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